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B2B Companies’ Path Forward in Digital Register now | Read online
B2B Companies’ Path Forward in Digital
B2B Companies’ Path Forward in Digital
Join Forrester, Adobe, and Shift7 Digital, and your organization’s peers, for a B2B-exclusive evening of digital transformation discussions in Philadelphia. Register here.
Come listen to how our joint clients share stories of overcoming some major challenges, such as leadership buy-in and organizational resistance to change, as well as hear about latest trends from Lori Wizdo, Principal Forrester Analyst specialized in B2B. This interactive event will feature:
Lori Wizdo
Lori Wizdo
VP, Principal Analyst
B2B Marketing Professionals
Andrew Walker
Andrew Walker
Shift7 Digital
Save your seat now!
Kimpton Hotel Monaco Philadelphia
Mist Pavilion
433 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Co-hosted with:
Forrester Logo
Shift7 Logo
For more information:
Crissa Toledo
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